Love Spells And Wiccan Spells Beauty Spells +27717974385
Wiccan Love Spells that Work
What is the Wiccan way to cast a love spells that work? Remember that Wiccan magic is always for the good, and a Wiccan casts only magic spells that are white. This means that Wiccan spells for love should never be used to compel anyone; not only is it not white magic, it is bound to end badly. In Wicca, the three-fold law, or universal spiritual principle, which holds that the energy a person puts out in a spell, whether negative or positive, will return to that person three-fold.
There are several simple Wiccan spells that work and that you can try to bring this love to you. One Wiccan spell should be done a week after the new moon. The ingredients consist of a white candle, three yellow candles, red rose petals, and a glass of mint tea.
Cast a circle and place the yellow candles to make a triangle before you; put the white candle in the center. The rose petals should be spread so they surround you. Start by reciting this incantation:
“I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love,
I invoke thee, Aphrodite, goddess of love, so I can seek my soulmate,
I invoke thee, Aphrodite, in order to banish my loneliness,
So may it be.”
After drinking the mint tea, snuff out the candles one by one; start with the white candle. Gather the rose petals, dry them for a week (you can put them between aluminum foil sheets), then toss them into running water such as a river or stream.
Do you need protection?
Do You Need Protection in your life against negative energies and ill-intended people that are envious of you or don’t wish you well?This unique Protection Spell will be 3x cast for ultimate power to offer you the ultimate protection from negative energies, emotional hardships and surround you with a strong positive energy full of light, calm peace, confidence and tranquility. It will put you far away from envious, ill intended people, evil eye, curses and black magick spells that may be planned against you. This spells is cast by me and once you order the spell and send me your information, there is nothing else you will need to do. Nothing to buy, chant or place under your pillow. This spell is very high quality and it IS a white magic spell.
Although magick spells cannot be seen physically, they can certainly be felt and you will experience a beautiful relaxing aura of tranquility and peace around you as soon as the spell begins to work on you and your life. It will also act as a bad-energy-repellent, meaning, if someone wishes evil thoughts/actions upon you, their thoughts and actions will instead bounce back to them almost like a boomerang effect.
Healing Spell
Sometimes, our bodies are trying to tell us something is wrong, but it is hard to determine what it is. A health spell is not a replacement for medical treatment, but it will provide further insight about the underlying problem.
• 3 small candles (1 black, 1 white, 1 blue)
• White string
• Salt
• Lavender incense
Cast your circle, and sprinkle salt around the work area. Place the white candle furthest left, blue in the center, black to the right. Take a length of string and weave it through the line of candles. As you light the white candle, say, “I call upon the healing powers of the Great Mother, I take her gentle hand in mine, to guide me into recovery.” As you light the blue candle, say, “Divine Mother, grant me peace with my body and mind. Allow me to approach healing with tenderness and care.” And finally, the black candle: “Allow me to seek the protective refuge in Her hands, so that I may be safe from further illness and pain.”After lighting the three candles, light the incense from the blue candle. Draw a clockwise circle with the smoke, to unlock further inner knowledge of your body. Place the incense in a censer, and lie down in a comfortable position on your back. Visualize the divine hand of the Goddess at your forehead, about 2 inches above your skin. Her beautiful hands glow with a cool, healing violet light. Take this light into your body, and allow it to flow through you, concentrating on the areas of pain. When your body has filled with this light, you may feel an intense cooling sensation, making the hairs on your arms stand up. Visualize her hand stroking your face, as the pain begins to fade. Thank the Goddess for her help, and imagine the light circulating through your body, first slowly, then rapidly, as it creates a protective orb around you.
Open your eyes, and place a pinch of salt under your tongue. Tie the string around your wrist or ankle, put it in your hair, or carry it with you to heighten your sensory awareness in case of further complications, and for additional resilience to pain.
Wiccan Gods And Goddesses
“Who do you worship?” is a common question presented to Wiccans. This question could have as many different answers as there are members of the Wiccan religion. The answer itself is truly unique to the individual. This leaves many whom are trying to clarify their understanding of the Wiccan religion, even more confused.
While some Wiccan’s honor an all-encompassing entity referred to as ‘The God’ or ‘The Goddess”, others worship specific deities. Wiccans are free to worship any God or Goddess, not just of their own religion but others as well. Sounds a little fishy if you are on the outside looking in, but truly it is not.
The Wiccan practice revolves around the worship of The God and The Goddess. These two entities, a masculine form and feminine form, respectively, are the Divine Source. Any Gods or Goddesses individually worshipped are a face of the Divine Source, they are aspects of the Divine Source.
Let me clarify, the Divine Source is not a specific name but an idea, a concept, of the One, the source behind all of the individual Gods and Goddesses.
The One, or the Divine Source, is not offended by the worship of these different deities because it is the one source behind all of these. For example, one may be called to worship Mother Nature. The beauty of the sunrise, the soft whistle of the wind, the gentle smell of roses being carried in the breeze, are all characteristics of the glory of the Divine Source. It would be similar to someone complimenting a beautiful masterpiece you have painted. You would not feel offended, but you would be lifted up in their praise as the person is in fact complimenting you.
This is precisely how it works within the Wiccan religion, by worshipping a specific God or Goddess you are in effect worshipping the One. One must see the Divine that lives in every being AS every being. The deities are mirrors of the One.
So how do you chose which God and/or Goddess to worship? The individual will be called, or feel drawn to the deity they are meant to be worshipping. This is where the hard work comes in, for both the Wiccan and those trying to understand the Wiccan religion.
Being highly interested in a specific deity is not the same as being called to or drawn to one. For example, you may have been extremely intrigued by Athena. You may have noticed many similarities between yourself and Athena. This does not mean that Athena is calling to you.
When a deity is calling to you you will receive a series of messages indicating the God or Goddess, not one isolated incident. This may happen through a vision or a dream where you are approached by a human figure that just has something different about them. You will most likely know it is a deity but sometimes they can be a little more subtle. Chances are that they will not give you their full story and you will be left to do some research on your own to discover who this specific deity was based on appearance and characteristics.
Along with this vision, it is likely you will see symbols of this God or Goddess in your daily life. If something slightly off is appearing repeatedly in your life, pay attention. With a distinct pattern you may be able to find out who is attempting to catch your attention. Raising magical energy may make you more aware of these messages as well as keeping an open mind to the God or Goddess reaching out to you.
Ending Depression Spell that Works
Depression almost feels like a demon or parasite—it cannot simply be wished away, unfortunately.
This spell will aid in driving away even the worst depression.
• Blue candle
• Wand
• Vanilla or floral incense
• Peppermint tea bags
• Teapot filled with warm water
• Chalice
• Moonstone
• Salt
• Egg
Cast your protective circle. Light the incense, and then use it to light the blue candle. Place the tea bag and moonstone in the chalice, and pour the warm water over it. Take the wand in your hand. Say, “I call upon the force of the sacred winds, to carry me through each day forward” as you point the wand skyward. “I call upon the strength of this sacred Earth, to keep me grounded through the hardest times” as you point toward the ground. “I call upon the grace of water, to grant me flexibility through strife” as you direct the wand toward the chalice. And finally, “I call upon the heat of this flame, so that I may have light where there is darkness,” as you point at the candle. Point the wand in front of you, and turn in a clockwise motion three times. Set your wand down, and drink a few sips of the tea.
Now take the egg in both hands, and say, “I drive out the seeds of depression, whose roots have grown to hold me back. I break these roots, and salt the medium from whence they’ve grown.” Toss a pinch of salt over each shoulder. “Let the depression leave me, so that I may be free again. Let sadness go, so that I may be myself once more.” Sit quietly, allowing the egg to absorb your sadness, pain, fatigue, and anxiety. Concentrate on letting all of those heavy feelings rise up and spring forth from your hands, being absorbed and contained within the egg.
After you feel that you have significantly cleared your emotional slate, take the egg outside. Walk as far from your home as you feel comfortable. Depression can make going outside difficult, so if this is hard for you, simply walk outside your home, and with your back toward your house, throw the egg as hard as you can. Imagine all of your pain and suffering being flung from your body. Make sure the egg breaks, so that you can come out of your shell.
Remember, to make your spell casting even easier, check out the Simple Spell Casting E-Kit, so you can use this knowledge to change your life with Magick and cast spells that magically work every time you try them!
n Introduction to
Wicca, Witchcraft and Magic Spells
What is Wicca?
Wicca is a modern religion that is based on pagan practices and
principles which have been passed down for centuries, originating in
pre-Christian Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. The word Wicca is
originally an Old English word, meaning “wise one”. Those who followed
the path of witchcraft in the old days were in tune with the forces of
nature, and were often seen as respected healers and advisers, because
they understood how to work with natural energies in order to affect
everyday reality.
Modern-day Wicca is not a dogmatic religion, and there are no long lists
of rules to follow, save one: 'An it harm none, do what ye will.
Wiccans honour and respect this Earth and all its inhabitants, and we
treat every plant, animal and human as an aspect of the Divine. When we
perform witchcraft, we do so with the utmost respect, and with the
intention to harm none. To learn more about Wicca, visit this article
explaining Wiccan beliefs.
What are magic spells?
A magic spell is a ritual which is performed in order to bring a desired
change in our lives. A spell can involve incantations, visualisations,
herbs, candles, amulets, talismans, and many other objects or actions.
Magic spells are a way to communicate with and influence the spiritual
energy that exists all around us. This same spiritual energy is the
blueprint for the physical world that we live in, and when we affect the
spiritual, we will soon see changes in the physical.
It is important to note that not all Wiccans practice magic, and not all
who practice magic are Wiccan – there are many magic traditions all
over the world. You can use the magic spells on this website even if you
don't consider yourself a Wiccan, although most of the spells are
centered around Wiccan and pagan beliefs and symbolism.
How do magic spells work?
Magic works by concentrating and channelling your own spiritual energy,
which then has the effect of moving larger energy currents in the area
where you wish to see a change. Anyone can perform magic – it's just a
matter of awakening your innate magical abilities and practising them in
order to increase your skills. Focusing your mind on an intention,
sensing and working with energy, and communicating clearly with your
Higher Self are the main skills that you need in order to practice
successful witchcraft. If you would like details on how to develop these
magic skills and abilities, “The Essence of Magick” is a guide by
Amaris Silver Moon which will teach you how to cast spells that work.
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n Introduction to
Wicca, Witchcraft and Magic Spells
What is Wicca?
Wicca is a modern religion that is based on pagan practices and
principles which have been passed down for centuries, originating in
pre-Christian Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. The word Wicca is
originally an Old English word, meaning “wise one”. Those who followed
the path of witchcraft in the old days were in tune with the forces of
nature, and were often seen as respected healers and advisers, because
they understood how to work with natural energies in order to affect
everyday reality.
Modern-day Wicca is not a dogmatic religion, and there are no long lists
of rules to follow, save one: 'An it harm none, do what ye will.
Wiccans honour and respect this Earth and all its inhabitants, and we
treat every plant, animal and human as an aspect of the Divine. When we
perform witchcraft, we do so with the utmost respect, and with the
intention to harm none. To learn more about Wicca, visit this article
explaining Wiccan beliefs.
What are magic spells?
A magic spell is a ritual which is performed in order to bring a desired
change in our lives. A spell can involve incantations, visualisations,
herbs, candles, amulets, talismans, and many other objects or actions.
Magic spells are a way to communicate with and influence the spiritual
energy that exists all around us. This same spiritual energy is the
blueprint for the physical world that we live in, and when we affect the
spiritual, we will soon see changes in the physical.
It is important to note that not all Wiccans practice magic, and not all
who practice magic are Wiccan – there are many magic traditions all
over the world. You can use the magic spells on this website even if you
don't consider yourself a Wiccan, although most of the spells are
centered around Wiccan and pagan beliefs and symbolism.
How do magic spells work?
Magic works by concentrating and channelling your own spiritual energy,
which then has the effect of moving larger energy currents in the area
where you wish to see a change. Anyone can perform magic – it's just a
matter of awakening your innate magical abilities and practising them in
order to increase your skills. Focusing your mind on an intention,
sensing and working with energy, and communicating clearly with your
Higher Self are the main skills that you need in order to practice
successful witchcraft. If you would like details on how to develop these
magic skills and abilities, “The Essence of Magick” is a guide by
Amaris Silver Moon which will teach you how to cast spells that work.
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n Introduction to
Wicca, Witchcraft and Magic Spells
What is Wicca?
Wicca is a modern religion that is based on pagan practices and
principles which have been passed down for centuries, originating in
pre-Christian Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. The word Wicca is
originally an Old English word, meaning “wise one”. Those who followed
the path of witchcraft in the old days were in tune with the forces of
nature, and were often seen as respected healers and advisers, because
they understood how to work with natural energies in order to affect
everyday reality.
Modern-day Wicca is not a dogmatic religion, and there are no long lists
of rules to follow, save one: 'An it harm none, do what ye will.
Wiccans honour and respect this Earth and all its inhabitants, and we
treat every plant, animal and human as an aspect of the Divine. When we
perform witchcraft, we do so with the utmost respect, and with the
intention to harm none. To learn more about Wicca, visit this article
explaining Wiccan beliefs.
What are magic spells?
A magic spell is a ritual which is performed in order to bring a desired
change in our lives. A spell can involve incantations, visualisations,
herbs, candles, amulets, talismans, and many other objects or actions.
Magic spells are a way to communicate with and influence the spiritual
energy that exists all around us. This same spiritual energy is the
blueprint for the physical world that we live in, and when we affect the
spiritual, we will soon see changes in the physical.
It is important to note that not all Wiccans practice magic, and not all
who practice magic are Wiccan – there are many magic traditions all
over the world. You can use the magic spells on this website even if you
don't consider yourself a Wiccan, although most of the spells are
centered around Wiccan and pagan beliefs and symbolism.
How do magic spells work?
Magic works by concentrating and channelling your own spiritual energy,
which then has the effect of moving larger energy currents in the area
where you wish to see a change. Anyone can perform magic – it's just a
matter of awakening your innate magical abilities and practising them in
order to increase your skills. Focusing your mind on an intention,
sensing and working with energy, and communicating clearly with your
Higher Self are the main skills that you need in order to practice
successful witchcraft. If you would like details on how to develop these
magic skills and abilities, “The Essence of Magick” is a guide by
Amaris Silver Moon which will teach you how to cast spells that work.
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Following is a list of faeries belonging to the different elements of
earth, air, water and fire. For more information with working with
faeries, see our article on Fairy Magic.
Faeries of the Earth Element
earth faeries
Gnomes: The most popular of all the Earth Faeries. A simple call to them
to the North will bring them to your rite. The Gnomes, in ceremonial
magick, are the Elemental Spirits of the Element Earth and North. They
are helpful to invoke for healing spells and rites, Call them to protect
your magick circle.
Bean-Tighes: These are very friendly Celtic Faeries. Call to them and
invite them into your home. They will protect your home and your
children. They are also helpful in fertility spells.
Bwbachs: Evoke them into your house for protection spells. Offer them
some food and milk for their help.
Elves: They are helpful in raising energy for spells of any kind.
Gianes: Call to them in the woods. They will help you will your
divination practices.
Hyldermoder: She will help you will fertility, prosperity, and
inspiration spells. Invoke her as you would a deity.
Korreds: Call to them in stony areas. They will help you in protection
Leprechauns: These Celtic Faeries will bring prosperity your way. Let
them come to you. Don’t try to contact them.
Masseriols: Invite them into your magick circle. They will help you with
your ritual garden.
The Moerae: Invoke them as you would a deity. They will help with love
Thussers: Call and invoke them into your circle on Full Moons. They will
join in on the Esbat Celebration.
Twlwwyth Tegs: Evoke them into your circle and give them some food and
water. They will help with weatherworking spells.
Wichtln: Invoke them into your home. They will protect it.
Faeries of the Air Element
air faeries
Sylphs: The Sylphs are the most popular of all the Air Faeries. In
ceremonial magick they are called to the corner of the East as the
Elemental Spirit of Air. They are invoked to protect your magick circle.
Chi Spirits: In any rite, call to them and invite them into your home.
They will aid in protection spells and as the same time protect your
Dryads: They will help with communication with the Goddess, God, Mighty
Ones, and other Faeries. Invoke them into your circle. Even if they
don’t show up, their energies will help with magick.
Fays: A simple invocation will bring them to your magick circle. They
will help you with raising energy for spells.
Lesidhe: In a circle, call to them. They will help with rituals dealing
with the protection of the environment.
Faeries of the Fire Element
fire faerie
Salamanders: These are the most popular Fire faeries. They are the
elemental spirits of the South and of Fire. As usual they are invoked to
protect your magick circle. Invoke them also for magick of any kind,
especially pertaining to the element Fire and healing.
Brown Men: Call to them and bring an injured animal to them. They will
heal and protect them.
Dinnshenchas: Invoke them into you Magick Circle for spell for the
protection of women (or as I like to spell it Womyn).
Drakes: Invite them into your home. They will probably come if you give
them food and a very warmth. They will help with heal spells and spells
in you fire place.
Saleerandees: Light a red candle and hold it to you heart. Call to them
and if they come to you they can be swayed to provide their magick for
fire spells.
Faeries of the Water Element
water faeries
Undines: These are the most popular of all the water Faeries. They can
be invoked as the Spirits of the West and of Water. They will help with
rites, rituals, and spells dealing around the Element Water.
The Mer People: They will only approach and respond to evocation from
people born under the Element Water. They thrive in Faery Land, but in
this realm they are very scarce. They can be call to this realm though.
They have been also known as “Mal de Mer”. This is the Cornish name for
them. They were said to responsible for sea ships crashing into rocks,
be that is not true. They are very aggressive, but if you treat the sea
with respect and love they will become your friend and a very powerful
magickal ally.
Caolleac Bhuer: Evoke them in the waning phase of the moon. They are
extremely powerful and friendly. They will help with any magick.
Lady of the Lake: Each lake has one. She communicates telepathically. At
a lake invoke them the same way would a Goddess. She will help you will
any question dealing with your spiritual quest.
Well Spirits: Evoke them from a well. They will protect children and
will offer Magickal aide to no one else.
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Following is a list of faeries belonging to the different elements of
earth, air, water and fire. For more information with working with
faeries, see our article on Fairy Magic.
Faeries of the Earth Element
earth faeries
Gnomes: The most popular of all the Earth Faeries. A simple call to them
to the North will bring them to your rite. The Gnomes, in ceremonial
magick, are the Elemental Spirits of the Element Earth and North. They
are helpful to invoke for healing spells and rites, Call them to protect
your magick circle.
Bean-Tighes: These are very friendly Celtic Faeries. Call to them and
invite them into your home. They will protect your home and your
children. They are also helpful in fertility spells.
Bwbachs: Evoke them into your house for protection spells. Offer them
some food and milk for their help.
Elves: They are helpful in raising energy for spells of any kind.
Gianes: Call to them in the woods. They will help you will your
divination practices.
Hyldermoder: She will help you will fertility, prosperity, and
inspiration spells. Invoke her as you would a deity.
Korreds: Call to them in stony areas. They will help you in protection
Leprechauns: These Celtic Faeries will bring prosperity your way. Let
them come to you. Don’t try to contact them.
Masseriols: Invite them into your magick circle. They will help you with
your ritual garden.
The Moerae: Invoke them as you would a deity. They will help with love
Thussers: Call and invoke them into your circle on Full Moons. They will
join in on the Esbat Celebration.
Twlwwyth Tegs: Evoke them into your circle and give them some food and
water. They will help with weatherworking spells.
Wichtln: Invoke them into your home. They will protect it.
Faeries of the Air Element
air faeries
Sylphs: The Sylphs are the most popular of all the Air Faeries. In
ceremonial magick they are called to the corner of the East as the
Elemental Spirit of Air. They are invoked to protect your magick circle.
Chi Spirits: In any rite, call to them and invite them into your home.
They will aid in protection spells and as the same time protect your
Dryads: They will help with communication with the Goddess, God, Mighty
Ones, and other Faeries. Invoke them into your circle. Even if they
don’t show up, their energies will help with magick.
Fays: A simple invocation will bring them to your magick circle. They
will help you with raising energy for spells.
Lesidhe: In a circle, call to them. They will help with rituals dealing
with the protection of the environment.
Faeries of the Fire Element
fire faerie
Salamanders: These are the most popular Fire faeries. They are the
elemental spirits of the South and of Fire. As usual they are invoked to
protect your magick circle. Invoke them also for magick of any kind,
especially pertaining to the element Fire and healing.
Brown Men: Call to them and bring an injured animal to them. They will
heal and protect them.
Dinnshenchas: Invoke them into you Magick Circle for spell for the
protection of women (or as I like to spell it Womyn).
Drakes: Invite them into your home. They will probably come if you give
them food and a very warmth. They will help with heal spells and spells
in you fire place.
Saleerandees: Light a red candle and hold it to you heart. Call to them
and if they come to you they can be swayed to provide their magick for
fire spells.
Faeries of the Water Element
water faeries
Undines: These are the most popular of all the water Faeries. They can
be invoked as the Spirits of the West and of Water. They will help with
rites, rituals, and spells dealing around the Element Water.
The Mer People: They will only approach and respond to evocation from
people born under the Element Water. They thrive in Faery Land, but in
this realm they are very scarce. They can be call to this realm though.
They have been also known as “Mal de Mer”. This is the Cornish name for
them. They were said to responsible for sea ships crashing into rocks,
be that is not true. They are very aggressive, but if you treat the sea
with respect and love they will become your friend and a very powerful
magickal ally.
Caolleac Bhuer: Evoke them in the waning phase of the moon. They are
extremely powerful and friendly. They will help with any magick.
Lady of the Lake: Each lake has one. She communicates telepathically. At
a lake invoke them the same way would a Goddess. She will help you will
any question dealing with your spiritual quest.
Well Spirits: Evoke them from a well. They will protect children and
will offer Magickal aide to no one else.
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Following is a list of faeries belonging to the different elements of
earth, air, water and fire. For more information with working with
faeries, see our article on Fairy Magic.
Faeries of the Earth Element
earth faeries
Gnomes: The most popular of all the Earth Faeries. A simple call to them
to the North will bring them to your rite. The Gnomes, in ceremonial
magick, are the Elemental Spirits of the Element Earth and North. They
are helpful to invoke for healing spells and rites, Call them to protect
your magick circle.
Bean-Tighes: These are very friendly Celtic Faeries. Call to them and
invite them into your home. They will protect your home and your
children. They are also helpful in fertility spells.
Bwbachs: Evoke them into your house for protection spells. Offer them
some food and milk for their help.
Elves: They are helpful in raising energy for spells of any kind.
Gianes: Call to them in the woods. They will help you will your
divination practices.
Hyldermoder: She will help you will fertility, prosperity, and
inspiration spells. Invoke her as you would a deity.
Korreds: Call to them in stony areas. They will help you in protection
Leprechauns: These Celtic Faeries will bring prosperity your way. Let
them come to you. Don’t try to contact them.
Masseriols: Invite them into your magick circle. They will help you with
your ritual garden.
The Moerae: Invoke them as you would a deity. They will help with love
Thussers: Call and invoke them into your circle on Full Moons. They will
join in on the Esbat Celebration.
Twlwwyth Tegs: Evoke them into your circle and give them some food and
water. They will help with weatherworking spells.
Wichtln: Invoke them into your home. They will protect it.
Faeries of the Air Element
air faeries
Sylphs: The Sylphs are the most popular of all the Air Faeries. In
ceremonial magick they are called to the corner of the East as the
Elemental Spirit of Air. They are invoked to protect your magick circle.
Chi Spirits: In any rite, call to them and invite them into your home.
They will aid in protection spells and as the same time protect your
Dryads: They will help with communication with the Goddess, God, Mighty
Ones, and other Faeries. Invoke them into your circle. Even if they
don’t show up, their energies will help with magick.
Fays: A simple invocation will bring them to your magick circle. They
will help you with raising energy for spells.
Lesidhe: In a circle, call to them. They will help with rituals dealing
with the protection of the environment.
Faeries of the Fire Element
fire faerie
Salamanders: These are the most popular Fire faeries. They are the
elemental spirits of the South and of Fire. As usual they are invoked to
protect your magick circle. Invoke them also for magick of any kind,
especially pertaining to the element Fire and healing.
Brown Men: Call to them and bring an injured animal to them. They will
heal and protect them.
Dinnshenchas: Invoke them into you Magick Circle for spell for the
protection of women (or as I like to spell it Womyn).
Drakes: Invite them into your home. They will probably come if you give
them food and a very warmth. They will help with heal spells and spells
in you fire place.
Saleerandees: Light a red candle and hold it to you heart. Call to them
and if they come to you they can be swayed to provide their magick for
fire spells.
Faeries of the Water Element
water faeries
Undines: These are the most popular of all the water Faeries. They can
be invoked as the Spirits of the West and of Water. They will help with
rites, rituals, and spells dealing around the Element Water.
The Mer People: They will only approach and respond to evocation from
people born under the Element Water. They thrive in Faery Land, but in
this realm they are very scarce. They can be call to this realm though.
They have been also known as “Mal de Mer”. This is the Cornish name for
them. They were said to responsible for sea ships crashing into rocks,
be that is not true. They are very aggressive, but if you treat the sea
with respect and love they will become your friend and a very powerful
magickal ally.
Caolleac Bhuer: Evoke them in the waning phase of the moon. They are
extremely powerful and friendly. They will help with any magick.
Lady of the Lake: Each lake has one. She communicates telepathically. At
a lake invoke them the same way would a Goddess. She will help you will
any question dealing with your spiritual quest.
Well Spirits: Evoke them from a well. They will protect children and
will offer Magickal aide to no one else.
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Marriage Spells
Marriage Spells for Wiccans and Witches I just wish that when you
clicked onto this post that a score of white doves would fly overhead,
the scent of roses arising from your computer, mingling in […]
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Marriage Spells
Marriage Spells for Wiccans and Witches I just wish that when you
clicked onto this post that a score of white doves would fly overhead,
the scent of roses arising from your computer, mingling in […]
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Marriage Spells
Marriage Spells for Wiccans and Witches I just wish that when you
clicked onto this post that a score of white doves would fly overhead,
the scent of roses arising from your computer, mingling in […]
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Love Spells
Love spells are perhaps one of the most sought-after and intriguing of
all the spells a Wiccan might perform. The reason for this is clear –
love is probably the most fundamental need any of us have in our lives.
Because of this, love spells should be treated with extra respect –
especially when it comes to the law of ‘And it Harm None.’ This means
that you should never perform love spells in an attempt to affect
another person’s free will. Doing so is not only unethical; it can also
cause serious negative rebound effects for the person who works the
This doesn’t mean you cannot perform love spells to invite romantic love
into your life! You can, and you can also use love spells to help
others who would like to invite more love into their lives.
Using a love spell can also be a great way to increase your
self-confidence and learn how to appreciate yourself and your unique
abilities and personality. When you learn how to love yourself, you are
more likely to be open to healthy love from other people.
In this section, you will find love spells to help you attract your
soulmate and unconditional love into your life. You will find spells for
self-love and spells to help you release any old love that is no longer
serving you. You will also find spells to help you improve your
relationships and to help heal negativity. Remember always to ensure you
are not working a love spell against the free will of any other person.
Attempting to coerce someone into being with you is not love – it’s
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Love Spells
Love spells are perhaps one of the most sought-after and intriguing of
all the spells a Wiccan might perform. The reason for this is clear –
love is probably the most fundamental need any of us have in our lives.
Because of this, love spells should be treated with extra respect –
especially when it comes to the law of ‘And it Harm None.’ This means
that you should never perform love spells in an attempt to affect
another person’s free will. Doing so is not only unethical; it can also
cause serious negative rebound effects for the person who works the
This doesn’t mean you cannot perform love spells to invite romantic love
into your life! You can, and you can also use love spells to help
others who would like to invite more love into their lives.
Using a love spell can also be a great way to increase your
self-confidence and learn how to appreciate yourself and your unique
abilities and personality. When you learn how to love yourself, you are
more likely to be open to healthy love from other people.
In this section, you will find love spells to help you attract your
soulmate and unconditional love into your life. You will find spells for
self-love and spells to help you release any old love that is no longer
serving you. You will also find spells to help you improve your
relationships and to help heal negativity. Remember always to ensure you
are not working a love spell against the free will of any other person.
Attempting to coerce someone into being with you is not love – it’s
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Love Spells
Love spells are perhaps one of the most sought-after and intriguing of
all the spells a Wiccan might perform. The reason for this is clear –
love is probably the most fundamental need any of us have in our lives.
Because of this, love spells should be treated with extra respect –
especially when it comes to the law of ‘And it Harm None.’ This means
that you should never perform love spells in an attempt to affect
another person’s free will. Doing so is not only unethical; it can also
cause serious negative rebound effects for the person who works the
This doesn’t mean you cannot perform love spells to invite romantic love
into your life! You can, and you can also use love spells to help
others who would like to invite more love into their lives.
Using a love spell can also be a great way to increase your
self-confidence and learn how to appreciate yourself and your unique
abilities and personality. When you learn how to love yourself, you are
more likely to be open to healthy love from other people.
In this section, you will find love spells to help you attract your
soulmate and unconditional love into your life. You will find spells for
self-love and spells to help you release any old love that is no longer
serving you. You will also find spells to help you improve your
relationships and to help heal negativity. Remember always to ensure you
are not working a love spell against the free will of any other person.
Attempting to coerce someone into being with you is not love – it’s
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Love Spells
Love spells are perhaps one of the most sought-after and intriguing of
all the spells a Wiccan might perform. The reason for this is clear –
love is probably the most fundamental need any of us have in our lives.
Because of this, love spells should be treated with extra respect –
especially when it comes to the law of ‘And it Harm None.’ This means
that you should never perform love spells in an attempt to affect
another person’s free will. Doing so is not only unethical; it can also
cause serious negative rebound effects for the person who works the
This doesn’t mean you cannot perform love spells to invite romantic love
into your life! You can, and you can also use love spells to help
others who would like to invite more love into their lives.
Using a love spell can also be a great way to increase your
self-confidence and learn how to appreciate yourself and your unique
abilities and personality. When you learn how to love yourself, you are
more likely to be open to healthy love from other people.
In this section, you will find love spells to help you attract your
soulmate and unconditional love into your life. You will find spells for
self-love and spells to help you release any old love that is no longer
serving you. You will also find spells to help you improve your
relationships and to help heal negativity. Remember always to ensure you
are not working a love spell against the free will of any other person.
Attempting to coerce someone into being with you is not love – it’s
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Love Spells
Love spells are perhaps one of the most sought-after and intriguing of
all the spells a Wiccan might perform. The reason for this is clear –
love is probably the most fundamental need any of us have in our lives.
Because of this, love spells should be treated with extra respect –
especially when it comes to the law of ‘And it Harm None.’ This means
that you should never perform love spells in an attempt to affect
another person’s free will. Doing so is not only unethical; it can also
cause serious negative rebound effects for the person who works the
This doesn’t mean you cannot perform love spells to invite romantic love
into your life! You can, and you can also use love spells to help
others who would like to invite more love into their lives.
Using a love spell can also be a great way to increase your
self-confidence and learn how to appreciate yourself and your unique
abilities and personality. When you learn how to love yourself, you are
more likely to be open to healthy love from other people.
In this section, you will find love spells to help you attract your
soulmate and unconditional love into your life. You will find spells for
self-love and spells to help you release any old love that is no longer
serving you. You will also find spells to help you improve your
relationships and to help heal negativity. Remember always to ensure you
are not working a love spell against the free will of any other person.
Attempting to coerce someone into being with you is not love – it’s
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