Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Dr Farouk Spells-The Best In Africa And Canada Love Spells Dr Farouk Powerful



Love Charms and Love Magic

From problem to solution

In the area of drawing of partners together or reunion of partners, some reasons of partner's separation are always repeating. In most cases is the reason misunderstandings and lack of communication skills. Both sides expect from their partner to be helpful, loving and respectful, but these three come just from one side or they are not shared at all. In the most cases, people see just their partner not doing certain things or they are very aware of partner's bad habits. They are not able to see, that problem in partnership occurs on both sides. It is like meeting of two beggars, who expect help, love and understanding from one another but neither has none of them. And both of them are disappointed.
Everyone of us can find help and have love, acceptance and understanding anytime. But we can't have it from someone else, from our partner or even the best friend! We can find them only inside of us and in God. Who finds them inside, is no longer a beggar. Most people need attention of other people, because without it, they feel alone. But that is just an illusion. We are never alone. God and his helpers and also spirits are always with us.
When is a client able to understand that and s/he can profoundly experience this truth, s/he becomes self-confident, full of love and understanding. Thereby s/he will emanate big force of attraction, which will be noticed and unconsciously accepted by everyone.
We are unconsciously seeking something in our partner that belongs to us - our own soul. For this reason are drawing of partners together, love charms, love magic and reunion of partners often dealing with following questions: „Who am I? What is the aim of my life?" Every human being has the same priorities and these priorities should be completed and harmonised in a partnership.
Are there some problems in your relationship? Fights? Disharmony? Have you and your lover called it quits or are you thinking of ending the relationship? Very often these problems can be fixed and all that is required is the expertise of someone who knows how to help. We can help repair your relationship! Please call us, we are looking forward to help you.



 Voodoo means "spirit". We believe that humans, animals, plants, mountains, waters, the sun and the Universe, everything that lives, are different parts of a whole, the spirit of the Creator. There are other spirits who received the divine mission to look after the balance and harmony of life. There is a spirit for the oceans and waters, a spirit for the trees and moutains, etc. Voodoo spirits can be conjured through secret rituals. Offerings are done to obtain the help of the spirit and a favorable answer to the request. Voodoo is an ancient tradition rooted in the earliest periods of human civilization. Voodoo is very real, and its powers have been used for centuries by wise men and women who understand its secrets.

 Voodoo is known to be one of the most powerful forms of magic; Voodoo spells are totally harmless, except for very few occasions. I have been practicing Voodoo for many years and have never had to face a backfire. That’s because I have been taught what spirits to avoid. Voodoo spells often work, even when another magic spell failed before. It’s because Voodoo is very powerful and permits to solve very difficult situations.


There are millions of people that believe in Voodoo all over Africa, Europe and America. Voodoo has been in existance for centuries and is even recognized as an official religion in countries such as Benin, Haiti, or Zimbabwe. That’s the first reason why Voodoo is special. The Vodou is not just a religion, but also a culture, a way of life. In fact, it is far more appropriate & accurate to speak of "Vodou Culture", than of the "Vodou Religion". This is a complete socio-cultural system inseparable from the way of life for its faithful, one capable of answering any & all questions we might face in life. It is a familial oriented tradition, a joyous & celebratory tradition. Outsiders come to the Vodou for all manner of issues. Vodou heals; Vodou protects; Vodou solves problems, & binds people in strong, healthy family units. The Vodou is a living tradition evolving to meet the needs of its faithful, having survived for millennia in one form or another. 

 There is no problem too big or too small for Voodoo. As an ancient spellcasting tradition, Voodoo can tackle the mundane to the grand when it comes to life's issues. Thousands of people worldwide use Voodoo for love and romance - with spectacular results! Voodoo spells not only work faster than other spells, they also work better and longer. Voodoo is more powerful because there are no limitations with this type of magic, which is why everything is possible. Voodoo is an amazing power that can bring instant love and miraculous changes to your life. Ultimately Voodoo is very person-oriented, meaning that it is specifically designed to help you, as a human being, with the issues you experience in life. You can count on this spiritual tradition and practice to be there for you when you need help. Voodoo magic can be your advocate in every aspect of your life. People from all walks of life - including teachers, doctors, and judges - use Voodoo to help them succeed in their personal lives and excel in their careers! It is becoming increasingly common to find reliance upon this ancient tradition in daily modern life. And this is because time and time again people see that Voodoo spells really work. The results of the practice speak for themselves and people who try real Voodoo are always pleased with the outcome. 


Voodoo, or Vudun, also spelled Vodon, Vodoun, Voudou, etc. The word Vodou comes from the Fon language of Dahomey (present day Benin) & translates roughly as "Spirit". It is a traditional organized religion of coastal West Africa from Nigeria to Ghana. Vodun is practiced by the Ewe, Kabye, Mina and Fon peoples of Southeastern Ghana, southern and central Togo, southern and central Benin and (under a different name) the Yoruba of southwestern Nigeria. It is distinct from the various traditional animistic religions in the interiors of these same countries and is the main origin for religions of similar name found among the African Diaspora in the New World such as Haitian Vodou, the Vudu of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, Candomblé Jejé in Brazil (which uses the term Vodum), Louisiana Voodoo and Santería in Cuba. All these are syncronized with Christianity and the traditional religions of the Congo people of Congo and Angola. Voodoo spells can bring the right solution to many of your personal problems. This is why Voodoo is different from others and what makes it more powerful than any “magic” you may have access to. 


Partner Reunion & Love Magic

Love spells – competent, professional and successful.


The magic for reunion of partners and Magic of Love is one of the oldest areas of the White Magic. Love Magic is the area, which usually gives us the most satisfaction and joy. There are always inner reasons, why is (or why isn't) a couple in harmony. Sometimes could happen, that despite the love between partners, harmony is missing and relationship ends. Love magic is a perfect chance to fix it. We are able to harmonise your relationship with the help of magic, Voodoo and spiritual energy. Is your relationship is trouble? There is always a way back to happiness! Contact us for consultation.
We can offer you our deep knowledge and experience. We can help you to find the reasons for disharmony in your relationship. Furthermore, we can help you to remove unbalance from your relationship. We also teach you, how to live with your partner in a satisfying and harmonious partnership.
We can help in the area of drawing potential partners together, finding true love or the reunion of partners. But we do this just for those people, whose souls and karma are interconnected. That means the connection of partners leads to more joy, balance and success of both of them. 

Love spells, love magic, partners reunion

Love Magic is very strong. It is because love between people can produce strong emotions and energies. Be aware, that when you practice magic, you have to take responsibility for what you want and what you do. Be aware, that what you wish to others will come back to you, even stronger than what you have sent before. In love magic, only positive action will attain positive outcome! Trying to manipulate will of the desired person is the most frequent mistake people make and cannot bring positive results. Therefore, we recommend you to ask yourself before you decide to use magic:
"Why do I want that partner? How deep is my love? Is it real love or just physical attraction?" Love gives the partner freedom, thinks about his/her well-being and happiness and doesn’t need to change him/her. Magic is a useful tool and a good choice in case you are willing to bring sacrifice to the altar of love. If you bring your own transformation there, you become a better person, improve your character, understanding and communication, then magic is a good choice and it will bring more happiness, balance and satisfaction to you and also to your partner.
Do you have problems with your partner? Fights, misunderstandings or lack of harmony? Is everything breaking down? Many times, one can fix these problems with the help of someone who knows how to handle such situations. We can help you to get your relationship back on track!

Knot magic Love Spell

Friday is the day of Venus, Goddess of Love, so this day is the best day for love magic. Her colour is green, so this is the best colour to use. Many people connect love to red colour unconsciously. For this reason you should use that colour, which represents love to you.
For the ritual you need a long silk string. As we wrote before, it could have green or red colour. Which one you choose, depends on how you feel it. The string should be nice, new and clean, because it represents your desire. Don't use something you found in a wardrobe! Better buy a new one.
Focus properly on what you want. Calm down in meditation and then visualize your desire. The visualization should be in a positive way, how happy would be your relationship, how happily you live with the partner. Thoughts of sadness or desperate thoughts cannot intrude! Such state of mind and attitude will destroy all of your effort and your ritual won't work. Negative thoughts and fear can even amplify, what you don't want!
Then say this formula out loud and while you are saying it, bind one knot tightly on the string:
"In the name of Erzulia, Maria Magdalena, Shiva and Venus, deities of love, I am binding the love of my dreams to me. I live with [XY] in love, understanding and harmony. I thank the God's love for accomplishment and power. I am a good partner to [XY]. So it is, so it is happening!"
This has to be repeated 6 more times! Then burn the string together with sandal-wood in a fireproof pot. After the burning, when the ash is cool, bury it in a park or a forest, somewhere under a nice and strong tree.
Love does not claim possession, but gives freedom.
Rabindranath Tagore

Voodoo Love Spells

Voodoo partner merger

If you desires someones love, mold two puppets out of clay or sew them from white cloth- one of yourself and one of the loved one. Equip them with the characteristic features of the gender and fill them with some hair or fingernails when possible. Then tie them together with a piece of rope or even better with a red sideband. This symbolizes the sexual act.
Cast the spell during a waxing moon, preferably on Friday. Friday is dedicated to Venus, the goddess of love, and the waxing moon favors attraction. In addition, the gods of love are called during the ritual: Venus, Erzulia, Maria Magdalena, Shiva…. You can further support the spell by scattering orange flowers or honey on the altar, which in many cultures represent the wedding. Other tools can be designed and incorporated into the ritual using your imagination: tarot card for Love, Rune Partnership, red or green candle, sandal wood etc.
After completing the ritual, wrap the dolls in a pink silk scarf as soon as possible and kept in a safe place. The whole process can, if needed, be repeated several times during the waxing moon. If the magic has been done in good faith and you promise Goddess to make your partner happy and satisfied, it should not take long to see the results.
voodoo love spell

More tips for your magic practice

Love spells to bring partners together
Today’s love magic and love spells work with photographs very often. Take photos of two people who should belong together and stick them to each other with honey. Faces on those photos should look towards each other. Put those photos under a red or green candle, which is used during your meditations.
Personal things of your love, things that he/she wore or used before, are always useful for magic. Follow the magical voice: use your favorite perfume, buy roses or other flowers, which symbolizes love to you, think positively about your love. Think about what you would and should do so that your love lasts forever. We recommend you to get inspiration in this book: Don Miguel Ruiz: The Mastery of love.
Partner reunion
Don’t recon just on your own power of imagination. Call somebody who has already passed away and who were you in a good relationship with during his/her lifetime. Promise him/her that you will take care of his/her grave, and you will pray for her/him. It is essential to fulfill these promises!
In order to strengthen the ritual, we also recommend to invite love god or love goddess. Call just the powers you like, feel some attraction to them. It can be Erzulia, Venus, Maria Magdalena or archangel Uriel. Follow your instincts. Never forget to place some offering on your altar. Bury the offering into the ground after the ritual Every deity has its favorite offerings, so it is important to get familiar with them before the ritual. It is not important if you choose Jesus or Buddha, important is to know who he was, what he had done, why you have chosen him and what he likes. Offering must be of top quality and taste.
Binding together

Magical practice of love spells and experience from reuniting of partners show us that personal things, photos, writings and offerings were always bind and knot together. If we want to bind two people, we bind together things, photos and offerings, which represent both of them.
Later during the ritual the things are buried as a symbol of growth, beginning and fertility. On the other side, if we want to get rid of something/somebody, we would throw things into flowing water. If we know somebody who has passed away and we like each other before, we could bury things nearby his/her grave. We shouldn’t forget that our behavior and understanding towards others have also great impact! That means rituals are not enough for happy relationship. If we want change in our relationship, we have to change something within us! We recommend this book: John Gray: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

Love feast

Love magic, bringing partners together

Cook and bake for those you love! Love really "goes through the stomach". Preparing and sharing food make people closer! If you cook something for your beloved, you give him/her good feeling and you open the door for communication. You can even increase this feeling by using the right mixtures of spices. Use those that stimulate desires and have ability to "heat". Ideal ingredient, which puts back the passion and heat to the cooled relationship, is a chilli pepper.
In general, sweet meals are better. But you should always prefer the taste of the person whom the meal is prepared for! Take enough time for preparation and if you don’t cook well, take some cooking classes! Your effort won’t go unrewarded! You can also put one drop of your blood into your meal and you can say some magical formula mentioned above.
Love magic spell with fruits
Love Spells frequently use for increasing the power of attraction or calling the partner of dreams apples and oranges. They are used as offering for deities and spirits but also as a gift for lovers. Before you give apple or orange as a gift, charge it with your energy and intentions. Hold the fruit it in both hands and visualise, how your love and your attraction flows inside the fruit! Visualise with your full attention, how happiness and harmony flows between you and the partner and how s/he loves you more and more. If your intention is pure and focus strong, the effect will come soon! As a love fruit, you can use also cherries or strawberries. If your partner doesn't like any from above mentioned fruit, use for this spell dark chocolate.

The best time for love magic rituals

Merging partners together

The best time for love Magic is during the waxing moon. It is because as waxing moon is growing, according to the Law of analogy, our power and attraction can be also increased. The increasing power of moon is supporting us more and more. The best day for love spells is Friday, the day of Venus. If you want to make your love magic even more accurate and powerful, take into consideration also time of the year and the current position of sun in zodiac. Read here about love magic & zodiac.
Work after sunset. If you want to do successful magic, you have to be alright physically and psychically. If you feel sick, depressed or tired, don’t practice magic. First of all look after yourself; you have to find your balance and strength inside you, not in someone else. If you cannot be happy alone, you won't be happy even with the partner of your dreams!

Spell for calling your true love

This spell is designed for those who are single and want to attract suitable partner into their life. If we experienced in our life bad relationship (or our parent's relationship wasn't good), we unconsciously attract into our life such kind of relationship again. Therefore, it is very important to know exactly, what kind of partner we want. The law of resonance is very strict and we should wisely make it to work for us, not against us.
What you will need
A nice romantic card, a green candle, and a lighter
Preparations before the ritual
Buy a nice and romantic card, which for you represents love and being in love with someone. Describe there your partner & write there all the qualities you wish your dream partner should have.
When to start
Begin one day after the new moon. Every day from the day you start till the second Friday, you will lit the candle and let it shine during whole time of your magic work, then blow it out.
Ritual instructions
First of all, relax your mind and try to focus on the present moment and on the purpose of your magic activity. Concentrate on the card, on the dream partner you want. Try to feel as strong as possible how it feels to have such a loving partner by your side. You have to feel it as if s/he is right now with you, holding your hand! Then say: "In the name of Venus, the Goddess of love, come to my life!"
Focus on the qualities on the card again, try to meditate about them, ask by the each of the quality “Do I have this …(for example respect)… toward myself?” “What does it mean to have respect toward myself?” …if you have it, that's good, if not, try to feel this quality toward yourself, find a situation in which you deserve respect, understanding, taking care of. Do this with each quality, one by one. Then finish the ritual and start again on the next day.
How to end the ritual
On the second Friday, burn the card and bury the ashes under a strong and healthy tree with a potential to grow. Forget the spell and await your dream partner.

Love spell for achieving harmony in relationship

Start on the first day of waxing moon.
Take two fast growing beans and put them into the ground together. Before you put them into the ground, whisper into them your name and the name of your partner.
Treat them daily with loving care. When they start to grow, intertwist their vines gently so that they are two united in one. Every day, while you take care of the plants, visualize strongly those things you want to have in your relationship. Think about what you will do better than before, speak to your partner in your mind. Visualize strongly, how happy are both of you together, how harmony in your relationship is growing more and more. Feel it as if it was happening in front of you.
Beware! Love is not just about your needs. Think also about the needs of your partner, what can you improve in order to make your love grow? The purest form of love is respect toward the partner and giving space to the partner to be himself/herself without the need to change him/her.

Simple Love Magic Ritual

Candles and Roses

Take your photo and photo of your dream partner. The best time to do this love ritual is Friday.
Light up one white and one red candle.
First, Pray Lord's Prayer and then the praise to Mary Magdalene, or to Hindu god Shiva, or to voodoo goddess Erzulia.
Place on the altar fresh beautiful red rose. Say your love wish and stick the photos together with red candle wax. You can add there also honey, the symbol of sweet love.
Put the photos under the red candle and meditate. Think of subject of your desire in a positive way, how both of you are happy together (not of the negation, how is sad that you are not together now. Negative thoughts cannot interfere, because they will spoil the ritual).
After the meditation take the rose, candle and photos and dig them somewhere under a nice and healthy tree with potential to grow.

Spell for increasing the power of attraction

What you will need: your photograph (the best picture of yourself you have. If you don't have any satisfying, go to the professional to make one), a goblet, water, honey, a chilli powder, green and dark blue candles, a lighter
Best time for the ritual is the period of waxing half-moon, best on Friday or Sunday
Start the ritual with casting a magic circle and purifying the ritual space (you can do that by some prayer or strong visualisation of light around you). Lit the green candle and say:"The powers of love, please, come, come come!" You can pray to some love deity, you feel connected with, fore example Maria Magdalena, Venus or Erzulie.
Lit the dark blue candle and say: "The powers within me, my powers of attraction, awake!" Fill the goblet with water and say: "As the water in goblet rise, my power of attraction rise." Put into the water honey and chilli powder, which represents sweetness and fire of being attractive.
Carefully watch your picture. Look on that face as if it is someone else. Observe, how attractive and nice that person is, try to find on that picture as many attractive things as possible, dream and add more thing, who you want to become. Visualise yourself entering the room. You can hear whispers, how others are speaking about you, how good are you looking today etc. The vision has to be very vivid, with images, sounds, smells and feelings. When you finish, write all attractive things about you on the photograph in following way: I am attractive, I am bright, I have beautiful smile etc. Very important thing is to define, what kind of partners would you like to attract. Being attractive for all means, that some men will disturb you, some could even try to get what they want by force!!! So be careful, what you desire. If you want to be attractive for one specific person, state it in your ritual!
Hold the goblet all the time in your hands. When is your visualisation fixed in your mind, breathe it into the goblet. Be aware, how is the water full of energy of attraction. Drink it. Then, finish the ritual. Put your picture near your bed and watch it every evening before sleep and every morning. In the day of full moon, burn everything (in a safe way) and let the ashes go into the air, so that your wish can manifest.

Getting Back Together With Your Ex:

Tape Spell

What you will need: an oil burner with a tea light, 2 teaspoons of water, 6 drops of ylang oil, matches or a lighter, 1 green candle 15-20 cm tall, 1 elastic band to tie around the candle, strips of red tape 245 cm long, strips of green tape 145 cm long (the type seen at the love hunts or maypole during Beltane)
The best time to carry out the spell is during the second half of the waxing moon (best results are achieved on springtime).
Create a magic circle. Put the oil and water in the oil burner, light the candle and pray to Mary Magdalene.Take the green candle in both your hands and say: "I want to give my complete love to this maypole in my hand. May the love that is looking for me find me here within these walls." Tie the rubber band around the candle, about 2.5 cm under the wick. Stick a strip of red tape under the rubber band and say: "And my love is nice and carryng." Repeat this step with the green tape and say, 
"My love is chic, send my love my way."
Stick the last strip of tape to the candle and say, “Bring my love to me. May my love stay.” Lit the candle, then remove the strips of tape and bind them together, so that you can wear then on your wrist, until your loved one arrives.

Protection against unwanted love spells

The best protection against unwanted magic performed toward yourself is your personal evolution and self-knowledge. Very often people don’t know why they love or hate somebody, why they act or don’t act. Not many people ask themselves questions, not many are searching for the reason why. Usually the people think like this: "Yes, I love him/her and that’s it!" Such people are very responsive to magic and they blindly follow their thoughts and emotions without asking, where they came from or being aware, that they are weird. But when one meditates regularly, understands why and what s/he does, why s/he is attracted by a certain person, such people cannot be magically influenced so easily!
Try to understand yourself! Meditate and practice daily introspection! Be curious, why do you have certain preferences? What are your life priorities and why? Why do you attract such partner? Why are you as you are? If you know deeper answers to such questions, it is very difficult to influence you through magic!
Sometimes is the main reason for breaking up with a partner the unwanted love magic from someone else, who wants to be with your partner and uses magic to attract him/her. In such cases, arguments and persuasion don't help. It makes the situation even worse. If this is your case, you can try some ritual, which will reveal the truth and the real motives of the wrongdoer. Such rituals are performed during the full moon, so that the deeds of the wrongdoer can be seen in full. Be aware, that unwanted love magic can create the attraction, but manipulation is never the way, how to attract somebody for a long time. According to the universal laws, it cannot last long and cannot bring happiness to wrongdoer and love from the one, he deceived.
Magical amulets are also very useful for magical protection. But only if they are charged by a skilled mage have they a real power. Good amulet is being charged for 28 days - from a new moon to a new moon. Protection amulet serves not just against unwanted love but it also protects against all magic attacks. See Protective magic.
Do you have problems with your love life? Inconsistencies, conflict, a lack of harmony? Have you or your partner thought about ending the relationship or have you already done this? Often you can fix these problems by entrusting someone who knows how to handle such situations. We can help you get your relationship back on track!

Love spells

Love spells are perhaps the most sought-after skill in a magician's repertoire. Everybody wants to live in harmonious and happy relationship. The spell has to be tailored specifically for every situation. If a man speaks to some God and he doesn’t really believe in him, it won’t work. It is not helpful to read some formulas from a book, if there is no life, no real emotion in it. Magic has to come from the heart; a mage has to believe in his own words. Otherwise ritual doesn’t work. Formulate your words in a way that you can believe in them and you can see the truth in them. If you for example cannot believe words: "Erzulia, thank you for your help!" or "We are forever connected in love!" and you aren’t able to identify with them for 100% you can say for example: "Those who love each other will meet again and again!" or "Every day we are closer to each other!"

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